Why Go The Vape Cartridge Route If You Are Looking For CBD Vape Oil In The UK


Why Go The Vape Cartridge Route If You Are Looking For CBD Vape Oil In The UK?

In this post, I will explain a bit about vape cartridges and CBD. Specifically why you want to be looking for high-strength CBD vape cartridges. I will also share my favorite CBD vape oil cartridge flavor and where to get it from.

As probably is obvious from just looking around at a vape shop, there are different devices and ways you can vape. Which one you choose will depend on several different factors, such as:

  1. What you want to vape (e.g. e liquids, oils, dry herb etc.)
  2. How you want to vape (e.g your vaping preferences, like whether you want it to be portable, lightweight or at home and immobile)
  3. How much you want to spend

The main types of vaping device combos are:

  • A battery and tank: this is probably the one you are most used to seeing amongst your vaping expert friends. They tend to be slightly larger where you have a battery and a tank. People then fill up their tank with the e liquid of their choice – be it a flavored non-nicotine vape juice, a nicotine e liquid, or even a CBD e-liquid.
  • A pod system: this is when you will have a battery device where you snap in a pod that will contain your choice of vape liquid. With a pod system, most pod brands have designed it so that only their own brand pod refills are compatible with their battery. This limits you to only being able to buy from the range of pods available from the same brand for your type of device (think Juul or Uwell Caliburn).
  • A vape cartridge and battery: this is similar to the pod system in that you will have a battery device which you will then screw your choice of vape cartridge onto the top. However, unlike a pod system, you will have a far greater choice of the market as you will be able to pair your vape battery with any compatible vape cartridge. The most popular device is a 510 thread battery so you need to find a 510 compatible vape cartridge meaning it is able to screw onto the top of the battery (510 being the type of screw configuration). As I said, this is by far the most ubiquitous so you will have much more choice of vape cartridges (be it flavors, strengths etc.) and will not be limited to one brand like the pod!

If you are looking to vape CBD – there are two main types: CBD e liquid and CBD vape oil.

CBD E liquids: As mentioned above, if you already vape and have your own tank device, you can just buy CBD vape juice and fill your tank up as CBD e-liquid is the same consistency as any other vape juice. For the pod and vape cartridge, you will just need to look for CBD vape liquid pods or CBD e liquid cartridges. Again, you will have a lot more choice of CBD e liquid strengths and flavors in the cartridges realm.

CBD Vape oils: CBD e liquids tend to range between 5-10% in strength, this is because the hemp extract will not correctly bind with the carrier liquid at any higher strength and therefore won’t be a good vaping experience. If you want something a bit (/lot) stronger, you will want to look for high concentration CBD vape cartridges. CBD vape oil is fairly new to the UK market. In the US, there are both CBD oil vape cartridges and CBD vape oil pods available. In the UK I have only really come across a few good high concentration CBD oil vape cartridges, not pods.

The one that I would suggest if you are looking for a high strength CBD cartridge is Paso’s 65% CBD oil cartridge which is compatible with any 510 thread battery. My favorite of their flavors is their Citrus Eclipse (their take on super lemon haze) oil cartridge which is uplifting and perfect for the day.

cbd vape oil

Finally, if you do go the CBD vape oil route, the only thing you need to be sure is that your device is powerful enough to be able to heat up the thicker oil. So do ensure your 510 thread battery specifies that it can vape oils or extracts. These types of batteries are usually called cannabis vape pens.