Why CBD is a Great Gift


The holidays are coming up, and we can’t wait! While most memories of the holidays are happy, fun, and comforting, some of us will never forget the stress they can sometimes bring. Between cooking, baking, traveling, and giving gifts, there’s a lot to worry about during the holiday season. We want to make it easier on you by sharing some CBD gift ideas and why you should give it to your loved ones this season.


What is CBD 

If you’re unsure what CBD is, here’s a quick breakdown. CBD stands for cannabis oil and is extracted from the hemp plant. CBD can help support your body’s endocannabinoid system, the process in charge of maintaining homeostasis in your body. And, because it’s extracted from the hemp plant purely by itself, CBD oil does not create a high like marijuana or THC might. Instead, what you get is a high-quality, all-natural oil that will help support you in your daily life.

Here at Nature’s Ultra, we’re proud to say that our CBD oil is some of the best quality out there. We only work with approved partner farms that meet our strict criteria.  This allows us to have more control over the entire CBD extraction process. In addition to that, we’re the only company with the Young Living Seed to Seal stamp of approval.

We’ve also partnered with Young Living to combine our potent CBD oil with their essential oils to create products that will help promote wellness every day.

Why You Should Share CBD

Because CBD is a fairly new concept, not a lot is known about it. In fact, there are a lot of harmful misunderstandings out there about it. The good news is that CBD is becoming more popular each day. In fact, there are new studies being done about it all the time! When you gift and share CBD with people you love, it can spread even more positive awareness about the amazing benefits it holds.

Because we have combined our CBD products with Young Living essential oils, it will be more beneficial than any other standard CBD oil out there. This makes it unique and perfect for sharing. Each product is meant to support you in a different way, which means it can be a more intentional gift depending on the person.

When you love someone, you want them to live the best life possible. CBD oil and Nature’s Ultra products are meant to help make your life better.

Benefits of CBD

Like we mentioned before, CBD can help support your endocannabinoid system. Just like other chemicals in our body, we may not be producing enough to function properly. This is where CBD can come in. CBD is one of the few endocannabinoids that connect to our ECS system.

The endocannabinoids help signal and deliver messages from the brain to the body. This can encompass anything that helps your body maintain stability. Yawning, getting tired, hunger pains, and more can all be attributed to your ECS.

It’s pretty clear that CBD oil and Nature’s Ultra products can help promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. While not a lot of research has been done on all of the benefits CBD oil can provide, more studies are being done and published every day.

And, we already know that CBD can help support your ECS! So, it’s a no-brainer that you and everyone you love should be incorporating it into your daily routine.

Uses for CBD

While CBD can help support overall wellness, there are ways to customize your CBD experience. That’s why we’ve partnered with Young Living to add their high-quality essential oils to our CBD products. This creates a unique CBD experience with every single product.

Our CBD oils come in sturdy glass packaging, making it easy and convenient to apply. We have three different CBD oils, the first being our Cool Mint CBD Oil. This product contains Spearmint and Peppermint oil on top of our CBD oil to help you relax, rejuvenate, and invigorate your senses. Apply it to the bottoms of your feet, your neck, and shoulders, or your temples anytime you want a calming, spa-like experience.

If you’re wanting some pep in your step, try applying our Citrus CBD Oil. It’s light, the fruity aroma can help energize you and lift your spirits. With CBD and Orange and Grapefruit essential oils, it also makes a great addition to your beauty routine. Just rub a few drops onto clean skin at night for a moisturizing and glowing effect.

When you need some extra comfort, our Cinnamon CBD Oil can be very useful. It contains Cinnamon Bark essential oil and CBD oil to provide a warm, comforting feeling when applied. Rub it onto your tense muscles after a long day, or apply to your wrists and neck when you need some extra comfort.

If you find yourself achy and sore after a long day or workout, we have just the thing. Our CBD Muscle Rub contains essential oils like Tea Tree, Lemon, Peppermint, and Wintergreen, along with our high-quality CBD oil, to provide a hot-and-cold effect. Rub it onto your muscles after a workout and reap the benefits!

For those days when you need some extra peace, try using our Calm CBD Roll-On. Not only is it convenient and easy to use, but it also contains a beautiful blend of CBD oil, Orange, Frankincense, Lavender essential oils, and more. Roll it on your neck and behind your ears when you’re trying to relax, or on the palms of your hands during meditation and prayer. It’s a great way to center yourself and unwind during any part of your day.

Did you know that CBD is also a great addition to any skincare routine? That’s why we’ve created our CBD Beauty Boost. Just a drop or two onto clean skin will soothe and boost your skin! It contains CBD oil, Rose essential oil, Grapeseed oil, and more to moisturize and nourish your skin. It can also be added to any moisturizer or lotion to maximize its effectiveness.

Nature’s Ultra has Something for Everyone

Now that we know why CBD makes such a great gift, we want to give you some ideas on how to give it away. As a bonus, we’ve included some other fun gifts, including things you can find at the store or through Young Living.

This first gift is perfect for your favorite beauty guru. A great way to package this would be to arrange it into a small pail or gift bag with tissue paper surrounding it. Then, add in Nature’s Ultra CBD Beauty Boost, Mirah Luminous Cleansing Oil (perfect for washing makeup away), Lavender Lip Balm, their favorite face wash, and a small microfiber towel. This will add some awesome products to their arsenal, while also ensuring that they’re taking proper care of their skin.

For your favorite athlete, here’s what we recommend. This can all be packed into a brand new gym back or slipped into a new pair of running shoes for them to enjoy. Our CBD Muscle Rub paired with Ortho Sport Massage Oil, and something like a massage ball to help soothe their tired muscles.

Bonus points if you throw in some protein bars or gels that they enjoy.

And lastly, a gift idea for your favorite, hard-working person. Whether you’re a stay-at-home superhero, or in the office from 9-to-5, life gets stressful! Adding a cozy blanket or candle to this mix would be the perfect way to help them relax.

Along with those, you can add our Calm CBD Roll-On, AromaEase Essential Oil Blend, Peace & Calming Essential Oil Blend, and a nice diffuser that you think they would like. All of these products will help create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere, whether they’re at home or at work.

There’s no greater gift than the benefits of CBD and essential oils. For more fun gift ideas, stay tuned to our blog.